June 18-20

Conference Pastor
Rev. Anthony Bozeman, SSJ

Father Anthony Michael Bozeman, SSJ was raised in the parish boundaries of Our Mother of Sorrows Church in Philadelphia. He attended Our Mother of Sorrows School, West Catholic High School for Boys, and La Salle University. Fr. Bozeman served in the Air Force and the Air National Guard for a total of 16 years. Desiring to serve God’s people intensely, Father Bozeman entered Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary and was ordained on May 20, 2000.
Fr. Bozeman served the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for 5 years at Our Lady of Grace and Our Lady of Hope Parishes. In June of 2005, he was released by the Archdiocese to discern a “deeper call” to religious life with the St Joseph’s Society of the Sacred Heart. Fr. Bozeman was appointed Parochial Vicar of Our Mother you of Mercy and Our Lady Star of the Sea Churches in Houston Texas while in discernment.
Fr. Bozeman professed final promises with the Josephite community in 2009. After serving as pastor in three different parishes: Saint Joan of Arc, St. Raymond & St. Leo the Great, and Church of the Transfiguration, he is now the Academic Dean at St. Joseph Seminary, and Assistant Vocations Director in Washington DC.
Fr. Bozeman enthusiastically answers God’s call and challenge; “To whom much is given much is required.”